0 The University of Raparin - Directorate of Sport and Artistic Activities

                                       2nd International Conference on Nursing Education and Health Care

Directorate of Sport and Artistic Activities

Activities done by this directorate
Sport Activities:
1-Opening futsal tournament for students who stay at the dormitories in the university of Raparin, all the games were played at the university stadium from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, these games were managed by our directorate’s special staff.
2- Opening futsal tournament for university staff, all the games were played at university of Raparin’s stadium from 7:00 to 9:00 at night.
3-Opening futsal tournament for university lecturers at university of Raparin’s stadium from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM.
4-Opening futsal tournament for institutes and offices located in the Raparin administration territories in the occasion of uprising commemoration day, these games were played at the university of Raparin’s stadium from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM managed by the directorate of sport and artistic activities.
5-Friendly games for students and lecturers at our university including:
•    Friendly game between university of Raparin’s lecturers and Koya university lecturers at university of Raparin’s stadium.
•    Friendly game between university of Raparin’s lecturers and Koya university lecturers at university of Koya’s stadium.
•    Friendly game between university of Raparin’s staff and Koya university staff at university of Koya’s stadium.
•    Friendly game between university of Raparin’s lecturers and Sulaimani university lecturers at university of Sulaimani' stadium.
•    Friendly game between university of Raparin’s staff and Sulaimani university staff at university of Sulaimani' stadium.
•    Friendly game between university of Raparin’s students and Ranya Computer Institute at university of Raparin’s stadium.
•    Continuous sport activities for students and lecturers and university staff by setting some tennis tables at the buildings of faculty of basic education and faculty of humanities.
•    Sport training female students who stay at the university dormitories at Chwarqurna closed hall.    Artistic Activities and Seminars:
1-    Holding a workshop in which three seminars were presented on ( youth patriotic belonging) by Shko organization in cooperation with directorate of sport and artistic activities at university central library.
2-    Holding a seminar and presenting a short film in 8 March by Mr. Muhammed Jawdat at faculty of basic education and faculty of humanities.
3-    Esteeming the Kurdistan’s Flag Day at faculty of basic education and faculty of humanities in addition of some activities by the directorate of sport and artistic activities.
This directorate is managed by the following staff:
1-    D. Aras Abdulrahman Mustafa (Ph.D. in history) he is the Director of the directorate of sport and artistic activities.
2-    Hiwa Shorsh Rasul ( bachelor in sport / sport trainer expert)  07508356080
3-    Baxtyar Latif Rasul ( bachelor in sport / sport trainer expert) 07702239353
4-    Shayan Abdullah Muhammed ( bachelor in sport / sport trainer expert) 077035487705