0 The University of Raparin - Training course to be stared for University of Raparin students

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Training course to be stared for University of Raparin students

The Job Centre of Raparin University, in collaboration with the People's Organization for Development - which is a branch of UNICEF - is initiating a training course for 20 female students on the topic of 'Life Skills'.

The course will last four weeks and will be taught every Tuesday in the Faculty of Humanities and the Law Department. The course lasts from 11/12/2018 until 8/1/2019.
Fifteen of the course participants are volunteers in the Job Centre and the rest are from the Law Department. During the course, various topics relating to their working lives and experience in the community will be explained. After finishing the course, they will be awarded certificates. Also, another course about how to be a trainer will start for those who have successfully finished the course.