On Wednesday, December 13, 3017, in the presence of Dr. Muahmmad Hama Ali Rasheed dean of faculty of science and the first stage students held a ceremony for welcoming the first stage students.
The ceremony started by standing for one minute respecting the soul of martyrs who sacrificed themselves for Kurdistan,
After that Dr. Muhammad Hama Ali Rashed dean of the college of science gave his speech and welcomed the first stage students, he encouraged students to take the responsibility of this stage to step forward carefully and get success to find their hidden talents and reach the target, he said “I wish all the students to be successful in this stage”
Following that some lecturers presented some topics about duties and accountability of the students, in which the administrative and legal issues were explained for the students, they were also informed about the University Webpage, using email, google class room.
The ceremony ended with having a lunch for the first stage students.