The University of Raparin’s Heritage Unit is looking for a new logo to be used on all official national and international correspondence. We are inviting the artistic community in Ranya to help design a logo that would represent our centre. There are many examples from different institutes around the world that can be searched for online. If you are interested in having your design on all formal documents, conferences and workshops, we would love to hear from you.
If you would like to submit an entry: the following information should also be submitted:
• An explanation of your design - why did you design it like this.
• A signed copy of the agreement.
• A black and white version as well as a color version in .png format.
Below are some images of the Tell Shemshara excavations and artifacts found.
Keywords: archaeology, heritage, history, Mesopotamia, Ranya, mountains, cuneiform, research, science, ancient world, tell (historical mound), Shemshara.