0 The University of Raparin - Symposium on methods and new technology in scientific research.

                                       2nd International Conference on Nursing Education and Health Care

Symposium on methods and new technology in scientific research.

Monday 28, January 2019. A scientific symposium took place from 17:00 to 21:30 organized by the Social Sciences Department at Raparin University concerning the effectiveness of methods and new technology in social science research.

Dr. Rizgar Haji Salih, Dean of the College of Education, talked about the significance of the symposium. Afterwards, lecturer Beston Ahmad Hussein, Head of the Social Sciences Department, discussed the importance of having such a symposium.
The first panel discussion was prepared by lecturer Mohamed Qadr Rasul. The first seminar was about methods and scientific research in Geography, chaired by Sakar Gerdi. Another seminar concerned the importance of cartography through the use of GIS - Geographic Information System - (lecturers: Ali Hassan Ali and Mohamed Watman). Another seminar revolved around the Statistical Package for Social Sciences - SPSS – chaired by lecturer Hazhar Qadir.
Second panel. The first symposium was chaired by Dr. Mohamed Amin Ali and concerned ancient relics. The second symposium focused on research in psychology by lecturer Sherwan Sharif. The last seminar was presented by lecturer Ahmad Hama Mustafa and concerned historical research methodology. At the end, Dr. Pshtiwan Shafiq, a member of the symposium committee, gave a concluding speech.