0 The University of Raparin - A delegation of UoR participated in the internationalization Week events in Poland

                                       2nd International Conference on Nursing Education and Health Care

A delegation of UoR participated in the internationalization Week events in Poland

Four staff members of the University of Raparin participated in the “Internationalization Week 2022” which was organized by Powislanski University in Poland, with the participation of 30 universities from different countries.

The program consisted of 5 days which were held on all three campuses of Powislanski University in Kwidzyn, Gdańsk and Torun. The activities consisted of two International conferences, a workshop and some cultural activities.
On the second day of the program, which was held at the Kwidzyn, four projects were presented by the University of Powislanski to the participating universities to create collaboration with each other in future programmes.
On the third day of the program, the 4th higher education conference was organized in Gdansk with the participation of 30 universities around the world, in which the University of Raparin was introduced to the participants with a seminar.
Furthermore, a workshop was organized in Torun on (team working, motivation process, time management and problem-solving).
Another part of the program was the International Scientific Conference in collaboration with the International Students Conference in which all universities participated with their prepared topics related to economy and health science.
At the end of the program, certificates were awarded to the staff of the University of Raparin. At the same time, University of Raparin were awarded for their participation in the program.