0 The University of Raparin - University of Raparin offered Erasmus+ Grant

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University of Raparin offered Erasmus+ Grant

The Presidency of University of Raparin announces the approval of one of its project proposals for funding by the European Union. The University of Raparin and other four Universities in Kurdistan, in partnership with four Universities of European Countries, submitted a project to the European Union earlier this year, and the project has now been approved for funding within the framework of the Erasmus-EDU-2022-CBHE project.

The project is entitled 'Educating Future Primary School Teachers'. Funding allocated for the project amounts to about 400,000 euros, and will be implemented within two years. The project aims to work on basic education colleges at Kurdistan's public universities, with the aim of raising the level of graduates from these colleges, in order to serve primary and basic schools.
University participants in the project are:
The University of Pavia in Italy (coordinator)
University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro in Portugal
University of Granada in Spain
UNIMED in Italy
University of Raparin
University of Duhok
University of Zakho
Salahaddin University
University of Halabja