0 The University of Raparin - The US Consul General Pays a Visit to University of Raparin

                                       2nd International Conference on Nursing Education and Health Care

The US Consul General Pays a Visit to University of Raparin

 In order to develop the relationship between both sides, on June 1, 2014 his Excellency MR Joseph Benicton, the US Consul General in Erbil and Andy Hallus, the Cultural Affairs Officer at the Consulate visited University of Raparin in which they had a meeting with University president and the university council.

The core of the meeting was about scientific affairs and how to enhance academic relations between University of Raparin and The US Universities.
At the university new campus, the consulate delegation was received and welcomed by University President and Council members. Prof. Dr. Muhammed Ali, the university president welcomed the delegation and introduced his team to them. Then, a meeting was organized to discuss the higher education affairs at the University of Raparin and how can the US consulate help to develop the networks between University of Raparin and the US universities. The US Consul General showed their support and intention to help the young universities including the University of Raparin to be within the developing process. The US consul general urged the University of Raparin to put forward with some proposals headed for developing programs of study, training both teaching and administrative staff, exchange programs with US higher education institutions and conducting researches, besides of motivating university staff to take part in the activities of the consulate and the US embassy in Baghdad.
Finally, the university president and council members   guided the US delegation with a tour through the University campus and its surroundings.