0 The University of Raparin - President of UoR awarded one of her employees an MA scholarship

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President of UoR awarded one of her employees an MA scholarship

With the help of UoR's president, an employee of UoR's College of Basic Education, named Ayub Abdullah Hasan, was awarded a postgraduate MA sholarship to study at Kurdistan University in the Iranian city of Sina.

Mr Hassan is one of the great employees of our university. At the beginning of this year's academic term of study, after talking with him, her Excelleny Assist. Prof. Dr. Paiman Ramazan Ahmed thought that it was necesseary that Mr Hasan being requested an MA scholarship at University of Kurdistan.
Hereby, University of Raparin is sending the President of Kurdistan University a letter of appreciation regarding their support to one of UoR's MA candidates whom now continues studying at the department of Computer Engineering - Software.
President of University of Raparin gives all her support and constant help to anyone, inculding Mr Ayub Abdullah, who gives a hand to the development of UoR in all areas,

Translated from Central Kurdish by Rasul H. Rasul