0 The University of Raparin - University of Raparin held its first strategic conference successfully

                                       2nd International Conference on Nursing Education and Health Care

University of Raparin held its first strategic conference successfully

     Under the title of (the current situation and future strategic plan of university of Raparin) The university held its first strategic conference in Rania public library in which a (5) years plan was discussed.
On Monday 14/4/2014 the conference started with the attendance of administrative and teaching staff of university of Raparin .

Besides, the key officials and parliament members attended the conference as well.
At the beginning, Prof. Dr. Mohammad, the university president gave a speech in which he discussed the contemporary circumstances of university and how to develop the university and its relations inside and outside of the country.
Then, the vice president  for scientific  affairs and higher education (Assist.Prof. Dr. Sabah Rasheed) who was the conference coordinator clarified the plans and aims of the conference for the attendees. The conference was divided into four sections: (Scientific Affairs and Higher Education, scientific Research, Administrative Affairs, and also Relations & Media. The scheme of each section was prepared by related specialist committees.
In the first day, each committee presented their schemes and after being discussed, the suggestions and views of the attendees were taken into account for developing the strategic plan of university of Raparin.
In the second day, the committees discussed the plans in detail so as to have an overall view to follow a five years plan to develop university of Raparin both academically and scientifically.
Finally, Prof. Dr. Sabah Rasheed asked the committees to collect all the suggestions and opinions in a package so as to be discussed by the university council and then to be declared in a near future.