On Tusedaty 29 September 2013 faculty of education at university of Raparin in cooperation with directorate of Art and culture in Ranya held its second conference titled in “Kurdish language between cultural and scientific duty”.
In the conference the representative of university of Sulaimani, Zaxo, Germyan , University of Baghdad and some other universities were attended the conference, it lasted three days in which twenty researches were presented .
Dr.Sardar Fathullah the dean of faculty of education and the head of the higher committee of the conference talked about the conference and said “this is the second language conference held in Qaladza , in the last year’s conference we could prepare a project based on intercessions of the conference about Kurdish language and giving it to the Kurdistan Parliament to be dealt as a law project “, he also added “in this year’s conference about twenty researches will be presented by proficient researchers and discussions will be included as well.
The main intention of the conference is to make a standard Kurdish language that could be spoken all over Kurdistan and having the capability of replacing all sub- dialects used in various districts in order to fulfill what’s required to be done for the Kurdish language and literature. “this year’s conference is differ from last year’s, it includes dealing with Kurdish language and its literature , most of the universities in Kurdistan were attended the conference and all the researches will be approved by the University of Raparin which can be helpful in degree advancement” said Dr.Nariman Abdullah member of the higher committee of the conference” he also added “ we have plan for the coming year to broaden the conference and make other departments like Arabic, English and Turkish to be included .