On 19 Jan 2023, president of UoR, Assist. Prof. Dr. Paiman R. Ahmed along with the members of university council received the Indian Consul General in Kurdistan Region, Mr. Subhash Kain, vice-consul Devendra Kumar and their delegation.
A meeting held later between the UoR’s council and the Indian delegation during which relations between UoR and Indian universities were discussed. Mr Kain insisted on providing all sorts of help to UoR in strengthening their relations and also encouraging UoR’s staff to take part in Indian Programs of higher education studies. As six members of UoR’s engineering staff participated in such programs of India earlier, there are currently attempts to increase the number of participants.
Later in his visit, Mr Kain led by UoR’s president and council members, opened ‘the Indian Section’ at UoR’s Central Library that is given to UoR by India and contains several various scientific resources of Inda.
Translated by Rasul H. Rasul