0 The University of Raparin - University of Raparin participated in a course in Germany arranged for the senior leaders

                                       2nd International Conference on Nursing Education and Health Care

University of Raparin participated in a course in Germany arranged for the senior leaders


Supported by council of ministers from ministry of higher education in Kurdistan regional Government, cooperated with (DADD) organization in Germany and the University of Kassel, a two weeks course was held for the senior leaders of the new established universities in Kurdistan.
The academic delegation from university of Raparin was headed by

Dr. Hussein Ghazi the vice president of the university of Raparin for administrative and financial affairs, members were Dr.Mwafaq Xalid  dean of the faculty of basic education and humanitarian  ,Dr.Sardar Fathullah,dean of faculty of education , Assist prof .Dr.Sana Hasan head of the school of nursing ,Dr.Aras Abdurrahman head of the school of humanitarian ,Dr Ahmad Mahmud head of school of basic education , Mis Paiman  Ramazan , director of public relations and media of the university of Raparin , they all attended the course . During the training course  started in 13 Aug 2013 , the university of Raparin has an active continuous  participation  in the courses , Differ from other universities the university of Rparin could prepare two work projects titled in “The project of teacher capacity development “ this was presented as the main project of the university clarified by Mis paiman Ramazan the university staff was very excited to see that the university is working with these projects dealing with developing of human capacities in the university in order to enhance the university teaching and making researches , the second project was about “ making simulation lab” specialized to school of nursing  presented by Assist prof. Dr.Sana .Building this centre will make the university to be a centre for training students and teachers and medical employees, the university will be a scientific lab for nursing  among the other nursing departments in  universities in Iraq and Kurdistan.
During their stay in the city of Gottingen in Germany, the staff of the new Kurdistan universities visited the university of Castle, they were given a chance to see the educational system of German universities presented by head of department of relations in the university .At the end of the course, in the presence of vice president and the training staff of the Castle university the participants were given attendance certificates. Dr. Hussein as the representative of the new established universities he explained that the course was beneficial and arranged well. It has been decided that in the meeting of university council both projects “teacher capacity development and simulation lab” will be discussed and putted in the university’s framework for the studying year of 2013-2014.