0 The University of Raparin - University of Raparin and Komar University develop joint academic work

                                       2nd International Conference on Nursing Education and Health Care

University of Raparin and Komar University develop joint academic work

As part of their strategic plans to enhance joint work, on February 16, 2023, a delegation from Raparin University visited Komar university of Science and Technology. The delegation was headed by the president of Raparin University, Dr. Paiman R. Ahmed, accompanied by Dr. Rebwar, dean of college of Nursery, and Dr. Jamal, the director of Raparin university’s research center.

The delegation was received by Dr. Saad M. Al-Shibli, chairperson of Nursing Department, Dr. Ahmed Gheni, director of International Relations and Ms. Sazan Ahmed from Komar University’s presidency.
The aim of the visit was to have cooperation between the universities. In their meeting, both sides discussed having joint work to hold conferences, workshops and have academic activities between the two universities.

Translated by Rasul H. Rasul