0 The University of Raparin - Symposium Held About The Kurdish Language in The Past and in The Present

                                       2nd International Conference on Nursing Education and Health Care

Symposium Held About The Kurdish Language in The Past and in The Present

The International Mother Language Day is an annual observance held on 21 February. On this occasion, in the presence of UOR's president, her excellency Asst. Prof. Dr. Paiman R. Ahmed, along with a number of university council members, as well as teachers and students, College of Basic Education's Department of Kurdish held a symposium entitled 'The Kurdish Language in The Past and in The Present'.

The event began with a moment of silence paying tribute to the Kurdistan Martyrs. Later, the university president delivered a speech during which she congratulated all the teachers and the students on such occasion. She also added that 'this day is highly significant to such an extent that nations can preserve and develop their language identity'.
The symposium panels were chaired by Asst. L. Barzan A. Pirot in which three seminars were given:
1- 'Historical Roots of Kurdish Language' by Prof. Dr. Rafiq Shwani
2- 'The Kurdish Language in the Disputed Areas' by Mr. Fahmi B. Omer
3- 'The Originality of Kurdish Language in the History' by Asst. Prof. Dr. Rasul I. Rasul

At the end, the symposium attendants participated in a question-answer session.

Translated By Rasul H. Rasul