0 The University of Raparin - The Statement of President of UOR on the anniversary of March 5, 1991 Uprising

                                       2nd International Conference on Nursing Education and Health Care

The Statement of President of UOR on the anniversary of March 5, 1991 Uprising

   March 5, 2023 is marked the 32nd anniversary of the Great Uprising of Kurdish People that began in Ranya district and resulted in gaining sovereignty to all the Kurdish cities and towns captured by the cruel dictatorial regime of Saddam Hussein. As a result, the Kurdistan Region, the Parliament and the Government cabinet were all officially established, and that is indeed, recognized as a dramatic phase in the modern political history of Kurdish people.

   The uprising is obtained through the sacrifices of Kurdistan’s brave martyrs and the courageous Peshmerga fighters who were always ready to stand against all the enemies of Kurdish people. Even after the events of the uprising, the Kurdish Peshmergas have always had and still having a great tendency to take all necessary actions against the enemies of Kurdistan, like ISIS, as an example.
  The 1991 uprising, has resulted in many historical achievements to the Kurdish people. University of Raparin, as an academic establishment, was founded in 2010 by the KRG. It is the product of the Kurdish Martyrs March 5, 1991 uprising. Our university, despite its shortage of age, has played a tremendous cultural as well as academic role in the Raparin area and all around Kurdistan. Establishing the Raparin Administration is also counted as one of the achievements of the uprising. Ranya is named The Capital of Freedom due to its historical and geographical site in standing against aggressive forces of Kurdistan.
   On this occasion, to paying tribute to the bravery of Kurdistan Martyrs and the people of Raparin area, we request the KRG and the Parliament to work seriously in order to establish Raparin Governorate and provide facilities that the area deserves. We also request the KRG to be insisted on making the March 5, 1991 uprising case, an international one, via scientific, cultural projects and documentaries.
   Again, on this historical occasion, UOR presidency congratulates all the Kurds and the people of Raparin area as well as the students and the UOR lecturers and staff of administration on the success of the March 5 1991 Ranya uprising. We pay a remarkable tribute to all our brave Martyrs, especially those of Raparin area who sacrificed their own lives for the freedom of Kurdistan and paved the way for Kurdish international identity.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Paiman R. Ahmed
President of University of Raparin

Translated by Rasul H. Rasul