The UoR college of humanities departments of both Geography and Law held a shared symposium entitled ‘Kirkuk City and the Disputed Areas Between Demographical Shift and Constitutional Resolution’ on May 2nd, 2023.
At the beginning, Asst. Prof. Dr. Aras A. Musta, delivered the college of humanities’ deanery speech. Then, Asst. Prof. Dr. Bestun A. Hussein, head of the department of Geography, gave the symposium committee’s speech.
The symposium was divided into two main panels. The first one was chaired by Dr. Rozhgar A. Mahmood while the second one was chaired by Lect. Yadgar M. Ibrahim during which the below seminars were given.
1- ‘The Role of Demographical Formation in Altering the Administrative Boundary Mapping of Kirkuk Province’ by Asst. Prof. Pishtiwan Sh. Ahmed
2- ‘The Constitutional Attitude of the Chief of the Supreme Judicial Council of Iraq on Resolving the Case of Kirkuk and the Disputed Territories’ by Asst. Prof. Ibrahim S. Barzinji
3- ‘The Role and The Effect of the International Law in the Resolution of Kirkuk and the Disputed Territories’ by Dr. Aram N. Mohammed
4- ‘The Political Policies of Iraq towards the Disputed Areas in 1961-1991’ by Asst. Prof. Harem h. Ahmed
5- ‘Mapping of the Disputed Areas’ by Asst. Prof. Dr. Hemin H. Mohammed
Finally, the symposium participants were awarded certificates of participation as the audience took part in a Q&A session and made their recommendations.
Translated by Rasul H. Rasul