0 The University of Raparin - The UoR Held Its Fourth Students' Academic Research Conference

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The UoR Held Its Fourth Students' Academic Research Conference

The UoR's research center, in cooperation with the office of the UoR's vice-president for the students’ affairs, held its fourth students’ academic research conference for all their college students, on May 10th, 2023.

The conference began with the speech of the UoR president, Asst. Prof. Dr. Paiman R. Ahmed, during which she talked about the significance of such events in a way that they boost the students’ talents and abilities in conducting research projects to find out solutions for the problems. She also maintained that the UoR will do their best to help and support such activities.
Later on, the conference organizer, Asst. Prof. Dr. Jamal A. Omer, director of the UoR’s research center, delivered his speech. Firstly, he hoped that the conference would be a great opportunity to promote research and further academic work among the students. He then, stated that events like this will develop the students’ academic skills and overall knowledge, and also train the students to follow modern methods in doing their academic papers.
Following that, the student researchers displayed their work in a research exhibition where the UoR lectures and students attended. Finally, the project participations were awarded certificates. Translated by Rasul H. Rasul