The Department of Law at the UOR’s College of Humanities held a symposium entitled ‘the Legal Basis of Media in Kurdistan’, on Nov 28th, 2023.
The event initiated with the speech of Asst. Prof. Dr. Ibrahim S. Ibrahim, Head of the Department of Law. Following that was the deanery speech of College of Humanities presented by Asst. Prof. Dr. Aras A. Mustafa.
The event was split into two panels; the first was chaired by Dr. Rozhgar A. Mahmood, and the second was chaired by Lect. Hataw A. Ahmed, during which the below seminars were made:
1- ‘The Right of Obtaining Information on the Basis of the Kurdistan Region’s Active Laws’ by Dr. Hemin R. Murad
2- ‘The Legal Responsibility in Media Crimes’ by Lect. Hiwa Mahmood
3- 'Media on the Basis of International Law’ by Dr. Aram N. Muhammed
4- ‘Digital Media Between Freedom of Expression and Preserving the Public System’ by Lect. Hemin Hamadamin
The symposium came to the end with a Q&A session and the distribution of Certificates of Participation.
Translated by Rasul H. Rasul