On 26/1/2015, a delegation for Training Abilities and Skills from Deputy Prime Minister Office (Lewzha Jalal, Dilan Akraiy, and Akar Azad) and Mr. Shwan Hassan, Raparin University representative for the program presented a Seminar on training skills and professional learning methods. Many lectures and junior students from University of Raparin were present in the seminar.
At first, university presidency speech was offered by Dr. Herish Raswl, vice University Present for Students’ Affairs. Then, Miss Lewzha Jalal discussed the training abilities and skills program, its goals, and outcomes and she also focused on the importance of the program which would result in the development of different skills, theoretical methods, and teaching methods in class both practically and professionally.
The purpose of the seminar was to introduce and clarify the program in detail, which is to find career for graduates and to develop invention capacities. At the end of the seminar, students’ questions, notes and comments regarding the program were discussed.
Sirwan H. Khdhir