0 The University of Raparin - Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Pays a Visit to Raparin University

                                       2nd International Conference on Nursing Education and Health Care

Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Pays a Visit to Raparin University

On Feb.9th, 2015, Dr. Usif Goran, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, arrived in Rania and later paid a visit to Raparin University where he was warmly welcomed by University Council. At first,

Mr. Minister held a meeting with University Council in which he listened to the requests and needs of Raparin University articulated by University President, vice University Presidents and other University Council members. Mr. Minister, in his reply, acknowledged that Raparin University is a one of the well-established universities in the Kurdistan Region, which it has offered three rounds of graduates so far and it has been an important institute for the local residents.
With regard to doing more progress at young universities, Mr. Goran further added: we will work harder to establish new faculties and colleges locating in smaller cities and local governments in a way to fulfill citizens’ needs across such areas. We will also try to open postgraduate studies at young universities in order to give the local residents a better opportunity to extend their study.
     In addition, Mr. Goran insisted that the employment policy as to the university staff, lecturers, and employees will be reconsidered both at  universities and institutes in different areas to the extent that, like universities in central cities, young universities will be improved both in the scientific and academic fields.
Translated by,
Sirwan H. Khdhir