0 The University of Raparin - Media Development Training Course at University of Raparin

                                       2nd International Conference on Nursing Education and Health Care

Media Development Training Course at University of Raparin

Media and culture of Raparin University held a three days training course about Media and Broadcasting to those who have interested in it, and more than 50 volunteers from the faculties and schools of The University have participated.

At the first day of the course, Dr. Herish Rasul vice president for student affairs, talked about (Debate in Audible Media), at the second day, Asst. lecturer Araz Ramazan MA in international Media, discussed (The Role of Correspondent in Covering News), and at the last day of the course, Asst. lecturer Tazhan Dilshad talked about (Radio Presenter).
At the end of the course, participants gave their feedback, and hoped to have such courses in order to develop their skills.