On Wednesday 8 April, 2015 at Ministry council the first activating step of the Career Development Centers project started. The directors of Career Development Centers at public universities in Kurdistan, ministry of higher education’s advisor, Vice-president of council of ministries advisor, director of ministry of higher education’s relations and representative of IREX organization were attended in the meeting.
Dr.Amanj Abdullah Saied, minister of higher education’s advisor gave his speech and congratulated the directors of Career Development Centers at public universities in Kurdistan, he also confirmed the ministry of higher education’s full support and help for the project to be successful, he also appreciated the active role of the KRG vice-president’s office and IREX organization for their continuous support for the project. Lori Mason, the director of the project participated in the meeting through Skype form USA and gave a seminar on the project’s framework and developing the career centers at public universities, she also confirmed that in the near future some training courses will be opened for the centers staff inside and outside Kurdistan.
University of Raparin as one of the public universities in Kurdistan has participated in the project and opened the Career Development Center at university of Raparin which is directed by Mr. Araz Ramaz, this center focuses on training students at the 4th and 3rd stages in all the departments by presenting workshops, seminars and conferences for them, the center also works on finding job opportunities for job seekers and for this purpose there has been a data base made for making connections with the companies in Kurdistan.