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                                       2nd International Conference on Nursing Education and Health Care

Two of Raparin University Lecturers Published a Research in the International Springer Organization

Two of Raparin University Asst. lecturers, for the first time, published a research in one of scientific journals of an International Springer Organization.
Jawameer Rasool Hama and Dara Muhammed Aziz, two Asst. Lecturers at Chemistry Department, faculty of science, have published a new research entitled (Synthesising a novel derivatives of piperine from black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) in journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, which is an American journal that publishes and prints in the International Springer Organization.
In the name of Presidency of Raparin University, we congratulate them and hope them more success in future works.

Career Develop Centre Project

On Wednesday 8 April, 2015 at Ministry council the first activating step of the Career Development Centers project started. The directors of Career Development Centers at public universities in Kurdistan, ministry of higher education’s advisor, Vice-president of council of ministries advisor, director of ministry of higher education’s relations and representative of IREX organization were attended in the meeting.

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