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UoR staff participated in Erasmus+ “MUST WEEK 2022” in Czech Republic.

A staff member from University of Raparin took part in a five-day program which was organized by Masaryk University in the Czech Republic in the framework of the EU-funded Eramus+ Program.
The Erasmus+-funded International Week event was organised by Masaryk University’s center for international cooperation. The event brought together 25 higher education institutions across the world to discuss the most up-to-date trends and challenges in the field of higher education, with specific focus on Project Management and Project Writing. Through seminars, workshops and round-table discussions, participants honed their skills about international marketing, student mobilitiy, digitalization of mobilities, and faculty-based international office.

Training Course Successfully Completed

Over 27 academic staff from the College of Agricultural Engineerig Sciences and th Department of Pyschology were trained to implement the Bologna Process for the 2021-2022 academic year. The 24-hour course was delivered over six weeks, and it was part of the plans of the University of Raparin to train academic staff in areas crucial to the implementation of the Bologna Process.

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