The Department of Arabic Language from College of Basic Education held a symposium on December 18th, 2022, under the title of 'Languages Between Originality and Modernism'.
A Lecturer of UoR Published a new Book
A scientific book about the history and the philosophy of Zoroastrian Religion was published by a lecturer of UoR.
Department of English Held an Academic Debate
In the presence of UoR's President, Assist. Prof. Dr. Paiman R. Ahmed, and Dean of College of Education, Dr. Hawraz Q. Hama, as well as a number of teachers and students of the department, an academic debate was held by the department of English on Dec 21st, 2022.
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- A delegation of the University of Raparin took part in a workshop held by The British Council and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
- University of Raparin Held a workshop on scientific research
- President of UoR awarded one of her employees an MA scholarship
- A Workshop held for physicians in Raparin Administration