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The University of Raparin conducted a symposium introducing projects intending to preserve archaeological areas.

It was held late afternoon, on Tuesday 16th October 16, 2018, in the university's Activity Hall. In attendance were guests from The British Museum delegate, foreign universities and archaeological teams, the University of Sulaimani and the University of Salahaddin's archaeology departments, the Archaeologists Syndicate of Kurdistan, as well as administrators from around the Raparin region, the university’s Heritage Unit and the LDC organized a symposium introducing various projects outlining how to preserve archeological areas.

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This university in Kurdistan is bringing back an ancient board game

This university in Kurdistan is bringing back an ancient board game The Royal Game of Ur dates back to 3,000 BCE. (Photo: British Museum) Kurdistan Game of Ur University of Raparin Board Game Iraq ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – In the Kurdistan Region, an ancient board game is making a comeback.

For thousands of years, dating back to 3,000 BCE, the Royal Game of Ur was played across the entire Near East.

The game is a race between two players who roll tetrahedral dice and move their seven pieces through the various squares. The objective is to move each piece to the endpoint. If one player’s piece lands on their opponent’s, the latter piece is sent back to the beginning.

Kurdistan Game of Ur University of Raparin Board Game Iraq
ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – In the Kurdistan Region, an ancient board game is making a comeback.

For thousands of years, dating back to 3,000 BCE, the Royal Game of Ur was played across the entire Near East.

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Heritage Unit invites artists and designers to create a logo

The University of Raparin’s Heritage Unit is looking for a new logo to be used on all official national and international correspondence. We are inviting the artistic community in Ranya to help design a logo that would represent our centre. There are many examples from different institutes around the world that can be searched for online. If you are interested in having your design on all formal documents, conferences and workshops, we would love to hear from you.

If you would like to submit an entry: the following information should also be submitted:
• An explanation of your design - why did you design it like this.
• A signed copy of the agreement.
• A black and white version as well as a color version in .png format.
Below are some images of the Tell Shemshara excavations and artifacts found.

Keywords: archaeology, heritage, history, Mesopotamia, Ranya, mountains, cuneiform, research, science, ancient world, tell (historical mound), Shemshara.