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                                       2nd International Conference on Nursing Education and Health Care

Cultural festival at University of Raparin

On Tuseday, December 12, 2017, university of Raparin cooperated with Kurdish Cultural Institute in holding a Cultural festival and seminar.
The festival started at 10 AM with opening a book exhibition for “Voice and Color” publications, in addition of showing classical Kurdish songs and music. The festival started with one-minute standing respecting the spirit of martyrs who sacrificed themselves for Kurdistan, the Kurdish national anthem was also played.

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University of Raparin Held a Workshop on Earthquake Safety

On Monday December 4, 2017, a work shop was held at the university of Raparin’s activities hall collaborating with “ Kazhost Organization”
At the beginning of the workshop Mr. Zana Muhammad presented a seminar on how to be protected during happening an earthquake? He talked about the common methods and mistakes undertaken during an earthquake including, running along a distant way, getting near to the electric pillars, running over the stairs and using the elevator.
After that M.r Peshraw Khdir gave a presentation on giving first aid to those who face blooding, burn, faint, pass out, fracture, electric shock and tongue swelling.