On Monday December 12, 2017, the department of English Langue at college of education/ Qaladze held a workshop under the title of (Challenges Faced in Teaching Sunrise Curriculum).
EU-Funded TIGRIS Project Kicks Off
The TIGRIS Project -Transfer of Good Practices & Reinforcement of Internationalisation Strategies in Kurdistan - is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. Funding for this project will be close to €1 million, and the programme will run for three years between 2017 to 2020.
University of Raparin's LDC launches its official website!
Wednesday, 16 August, 2017 at 9:00 PM, the official Language and Development Center website was launched by LDC staff on two different Facebook live videos to the public.
It's worth mentioning that the crew has been working effortlessly on the website for the last two months in collaboration with the Media Directorate at UoR. On behalf of the LDC, we would like to thank all of those who contributed and helped us in preparing the content of the website and having all the techy things done.